Video 9
10. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 1 Karika 10-14
own bhadram Carini be she no Yama diva bhadram patchy moksha Birgit Roth IRA Ranga is toast Varga mauston OBE via Shima diva he Tejada Yahoo swass Tina intro British rava sauce Tina who shall be suave de saucé Tina statue or astronomy Faustino brie hospital da da to enchant a Shanti Shanti [Music] now please chant the seventh mantra after me Nanta pradyumna by his problem no by a tough track Jamna Pradhan aghanim 'no pradyumna problem addressed abdu'l-bahá diem a grahyam election on a kingdom of despotism a khatma preterius adam rapp enjoy pasha mam santim shiva madhu items Joe - Timon ent sir at massive again what the man Duke Upanishad is teaching us is the ultimate reality is to be known by knowing yourself I am Atma Brahma the ultimate reality of universe Brahman is I am Atma this self how shall we know this self then what is the way the way is the opening shot said the self has four aspects look at it this way the self has four aspects what are the four aspects three of them are well known to us and those were pointed out you have you experience yourself as the Waker with your waking world you experience yourself as the dreamer with your dream world and as the sleeper with the merged world of deep sleep these are well known to us by an analysis of these three the fourth one is discovered the reality which to open assured wants to teach us that reality is mentioned that is called thorium that is mentioned in the seventh mantra what is this great thing which the open assured wants to reveal to us what is this reality knowing which you know the the reality of the entire universe the secret of all existence it is not the externalized consciousness of the Waker it is not the internalized consciousness of the dreamer it is not something intermediate some other state of awareness it is not deep sleep the consciousness merged in deep sleep it is not the the awareness of God who knows everything at one one grasp not that it's not emissions it is not unconsciousness either it is not something that can be an object of the senses other Eastham it is not something that can be grasped by the motor organs that means you cannot walk to it get hold of it or ropes it is not something that can be transacted with used it's not something that has worldly utility though all the utility of the universe is based upon it without it nothing works it is not something that can be inferred in a scientific way it cannot be inferred that way it is not something that can be thought of conceived by the mind it is what in humans the mind but in the mind cannot objectify it it is therefore not something that can be named you cannot use language to express it except indirectly of course it is the the one reality revealed by the cognition of the eye cognition the continuous I sense which we have in the waking in the dream and which we look back in one sense we have it in deep sleep also not during deep sleep but when we look back upon deep sleep because we say I slept so this continuous eye cognition that points to that points to that the reality of that eye cognition is that or iam that the fourth it is the questions or the peace or the the disappearance of the entire universe profound chopper shaman there is no universe in it there is waking universe in it no deep sleep universe and no dream universe in it no seed of the universe deep sleep universe in it it is therefore auspicious Shanta peaceful beyond sorrow there's no sorrow in it no possibility of sorrow also you see there is sorrow in waking there is sorrow in dream also and there is the possibility of sorrow in deep sleep because that is the source from which everything else comes out but here there is neither sorrow nor possibility of it it is bliss itself Shivam and it is non-dual the other three waking dreaming and deep sleep and not apart from it just as the example of the above the ornaments the golden or a bangle the golden necklace and the golden ring are not apart from the gold with respect to the ornaments the gold is non dual without a second eat no ornament is a second thing apart from the goal so in the same way this terrarium is non dual because there's nothing in the universe apart from it and therefore if you know the story then you know the secret of this entire universe because nothing in the universe is apart from it if you know of course knowing in which sense if you know gold you know that every ornament made of gold is gold you will not know the differences in the ornaments you know that depends on the ingenuity of the the craftsmen so Maya can produce many forms which an enlightened person may not know but it did not in person will know all of that I am the pure consciousness appearing in this form so ad white um non dual shattered thumb money entities said to be the fourth said to be the fourth by whom those who can't consider those first three to be real with respect to those three it is the fourth but actually as we have seen it is the one some Atma that's you after all all of this tremendous descriptions we might think some very abstraction speculation no no no no no speculation no abstraction advaitha when properly understood it's not religion you might see it as a religion but as the philosophy of Hinduism but it's actually not religion it's quite different from religion it's not even a philosophical system of thought I no other way it is considered to be one of the six philosophies of Orthodox Hinduism but when you understand it properly it's not a system of thought it's not a system of metaphysics and conceptions it's just pointing to the truth behind everything else if you think about it and if you try to understand it it seems to be a nice philosophy when you begin to get it it's not philosophy at all no more than saying that I'm awake now I am the Waker here Here I am is this philosophy or is it just the truth this seems to be the truth to me when we understand advaitha the Torian will seem to be the truth in that sense it's just pointing out the reality in its most bare stripped-down essential nature the that is Atma that's you so what do we do serve each junior that has to be realized the whole point is to realize that what is advaitha trying to do we are suffering see ultimately from the point of Toria from the ultimate reality nothing needs to be done and yet from our point of view right now something needs to be done because we are in trouble they are suffering that's why we are we are trying out religion and philosophy and so and so forth I mean many things so Advaita is a solution to that and the solution is it has to be realized that I am that to diem instead of I am this Waker I am that to Liam I am that alright so this is the teaching the central teaching of which the rest of the text what has happened before this has been leading up to this and what will happen after this till the very end all the chapters of God about this verses coming after this they're all expansion upon this I mentioned that the second chapter is a just an explanation of one word para poncho Pachamama the silence of the universe the actually mean it means the falsity of the universe so that has been dealt with in one whole chapter ad vitam non duality that has been dealt with in the third chapter the entire chapter is based on this and the fourth chapter which will come is it's more philosophical in nature deals with other systems of thought visibly non-duality visibly Advaita so all of this which will come now on is all about the seventh mantra now we had started the Caritas God apothecary cos next time I mean last time so let's go into that now at this point you would expect your father to stop before going on to remember remember the opening is not yet over there are 12 month rows in the open issue this is just the seventh but from now on 8 9 10 11 12 Upanishads will take up what it had promised at the beginning Oh analysis of ohm to prove what to prove the very same thing ohm will be put forth as a support for this realization as an aid to this process but the main teaching is over now God our Father composes some verses to to examine what what did we get let's see first he talks about trium this we had done last time tenth verse please repeat after me never eat a server do carnem never eat a server do carnem Jana prabhu raja he shown of prabhu tabria adwaita sorry Baba Varnum adroit sadhu Baba Beavis - yo vivo sweet aha they were story yo vivo sweet aha this Turia is held to be Smita means held to be is proclaimed to be certain conclusions are drawn about it we'll see one after another never eat a server do kaanum it is the cessation of all sorrows so server dukkha all sorrows means we talked about this last time sorrows are of three types we one way of classifying sorrows you can classify in many ways but one way of classifying sorrows in classical sanskrit philosophy has been the adult mecca adhidaivika and re política which means the sorrow which arises in of one's own body and mind so physical illness mental problems anxiety all of all kinds of problems which arise in body and mind that's one kind of sorrow the other kind is odd yvathacal sorrows coming from others so they would typically speak of the sorrows which arise from the mosquito and the tiger so neither mosquito and tiger here but you can talk about the annoying neighbor or that particular annoying person you meet at office or somebody like that and so on so the sorrows are arising out of other people or other beings other living beings then Adi Adi Devika natural sorrows the sorrows arising out of earthquakes and storms and and so on natural disasters or famine or whatever so all those sorrows are three kinds of sorrows if you think if you think a little bit about it you might object here ultimately to feel a sorrow doesn't it ultimately have to come down to my body and mind and even more specifically the mind right so even the natural sorrow out there like an earthquake I feel it because I get hurt physically or mentally when I think about those poor people suffering an earthquake so I have a sorrow here so ultimately it all sorrow boils down to what effects your body and mind that's true but in a general sense it's been classified into three three heads these are all kinds of Sorrows serova do kana we had analyzed it last time I think that all worldly ways of dealing with these sorrows they can they do have their effect but it's a band-aid effect that it can deal with one sorrow at a time and even if even if you solve one problem it comes back or it comes back in other forms or there is no guarantee to the solution that the medicine will actually work or if I do get that job or that relationship I will actually be happy not necessary most cases it's not true we see Robert right here he points to what is called the hedonistic trap which is things in the world promised to be much more pleasing than they actually are whatever the delicious brownie which is there and in the shop when you take it and it promises you a lot of happiness and eat it you do get happiness but usually little less than what you thought you would get we expect much more happiness from our endeavors and we actually get when we do that it could be the brownie or it could be a relationship it could be money achievement whatever it is ultimately the amount of happiness we get from it or the what we expect that it will last it will really give me peace and satisfaction doesn't happen it hasn't happened to anybody so these are the problems with the worldly ways of solving happy sorrows whereas he says the spiritual solution and more precisely here the Advaitic insight that I am thorium I am Brahman this knowledge this realization leads to the cessation of all sorrows because it leads to the cessation of all sorrows Turia is called a Shona the Lord so here the Lord is used in a particular sense not as God Hashanah means because the realization of this Toria can remove all my sorrows and the second thing is the eternal that the word Lord has another meaning prabhu a simpler meaning which is a typical word used for the lord in all indian languages but here it does not mean God it means that reality about ourselves which we realize it solves all your problems forever up di AHA unchanging this story I mean in contrast to everything else is unchanging our nature as what we see ourselves as right now is subject to again as classical sanskrit philosophy speaks of six kind of changes which we are subject to a Steve no Jaya they are Steve are that a vapor Inomata Bakshi at a machete what does it mean the six fold changes we are born being born we come into a kind of existence being born the transition itself is being and then coming into existence as an individual then growth development then maturity and changing you reach a peak it's all talking about physical changes and associated mental changes and then deterioration old age slowly begins to deteriorate and then death so these are these six changes they call it shadow Baqarah six four changes associated with the body and we are all subject to this because we are most most strongly associated with identified with our bodies so we talk about for example my birth birth of the body my birth being born I come into an individual existence asti then develop baby and then child and then teenager and the young person so develop what the day grows we parinama the maturity so a middle-aged person man or woman at the peak of one's own powers and most people don't realize it does not get better from there onwards it's you can manage it you can manage it through yoga and gluten-free and things like that but it's still managing it you can't stop it so because it's natural to the body it's very natural to the body be Purina mati it changes and then approxiately it begins to deteriorate over a period which we call old age and associated problems and then finally the body perishes goes back to the five elements it's destroyed of course the individual sentient being the Jiva it goes on to other worlds that what we believe but up via the Turia is not subject to change it is not subject to the six fold change any other kind of change also the Waker falls asleep the dream are no matter how nice your dream you're bound to wake up or go into deep sleep so those changes also theory is not subject to Advaita sorry Bob harm Advaita non-dual but survive hominem in the midst of all duality it is non-dual this is the amazing thing about it there is a kind of non duality in deep sleep remember examine your experience of deep sleep no difference between no or unknown it's just a mass of blankness what is the experience of deep sleep when you wake up and look back upon it a mass of blankness undifferentiated blankness darkness that's what deep sleep is it's a kind of non duality no duality there but that's not what is meant here in the midst of all dualities in the midst of waking dreaming and deep sleep in the midst of the millions of individuals in the midst of so many experiences throughout our life yeah it is non-dual how so like in the midst of the ten thousand waves in that lanta koushin out there isn't the water non-dual do you get what I mean is there water plus ten thousand waves no it is the water alone which appears is the ten thousand base it is not water plus one thing more nothing more water and not a second thing up apart from water though there be ten thousand waves continuously coming up and going subsiding it's still just one mass of water it's one consciousness in which waking dreaming and deep sleep and all the experiences of waking all the experiences of dreaming and all the non experience are the blankness uniform blankness experience of deep sleep all of that comes and goes non-dual e with respect to 3m to diem in the midst of variety is non-dual that's the thing that's what enables dorium to be so important it here itself in you're experiencing duality you're free of duality because you are the non-dual reality so a Dwight asura Bob Havanna Dave aha further this Turia is self-effulgent it is self revealed and say what do you mean self revealed I don't see it you are but you you don't you don't recognize it it's like suppose Stan is here and we don't know who stan is so you're looking at Stan and you don't know who Stan is when I introduced you to stand you say oh okay that's ten now when you win are you and you're introduced to Stan are you seeing somebody in you is it a new experience you're having or new knowledge it's a new knowledge it's a new recognition you might put it that way okay now I know I'm not seeing anybody in you it's I'm saying just the same person I was seeing earlier only I did not know it was ten exactly like that to diem is being experienced right now you are experiencing tertium right now as as you the Waker and your waking world that's what - liam is right now for you so but the Tauri of nature of this way current waking world is not being experienced it's like looking at the wave and not recognizing the water it's like looking at so many arguments and not recognizing that they are all gold when you look at the golden ornaments are you not seeing the gold when I touch the wooden platform I touching the platform but am I not touching the Woodall's we say touchwood so when you are experiencing this world the mundane world you're experiencing to you if you experience go to heaven and experience heaven wonderful other way it has no objections only that it will say it's sturm even if you experience God's nothing other than to you and it's the same Taurean which is right here this difference is samsara one great teacher of Advaita put it this way if you want to escape sorrow then make a practice of seeing that the same thing is there in Samadhi and so she uptick in the deepest sleep and in the highest spiritual ecstasy it's the same thing in the highest heaven and in the lowest health it's the same thing I'm not saying there's no difference there's enormous differences but there is see in every situation we experience there is something one underlying reality and lots of differences so your waking and dreaming for example have what lots of differences but what's the underlying reality you you are the one who is awake you are the one who is dreaming what way Vedanta says is look to that underlying reality that's important the differences are not important if you get caught in the differences you are in samsara in the highest heaven you are in samsara and the lowest l of course you are in samsara in the highest heaven and in the lowest hell it's the same reality in pleasure and in pain in misery and enjoy is the same reality in the mundane world and in the greatest of spiritual in the retreat ashram and the retreat in Vedanta Society same reality you but you must notice it it does not seem at all to be the same reality because we don't notice the same reality we look to the differences the differences are appearances they mislead us if the differences were real then this teaching would have no meaning because the real differences would persist anyway and they would trouble us but if the differences are not real and that underlying reality is only reality then we it would be would better make it our business to notice that reality their funny story of the great sage sukadeva who came to visit Shiva the great god Shiva and he walks in he does not bow down to Shiva Shiva how are things you know how's your day he's very American that way and and and what's up yeah what's up no not even what's against it it's up and everyone goes hey how are you and they did they talk to each other but the divine mother Gauri Parvati she's annoyed she frowns and sort of looks at sukadeva until sugar they were leaves must have said so long and see you around then really her leaves it after the discussion maybe they'd have discussing Vedanta and then she goes and tells Shiva that was not nice he did not bow down to you I think being a great sage has made him arrogant that why is arrogant he walks around I heard the story in Hindi actually from a monk in the Himalayas you know in he wrote wrote it I didn't hear it directly he wrote in a book in hindi who today some NOK who owns a cottage elta he walks like a camel with his and nose in the air he didn't even bow down to you you are Shiva the Great God and she was in know he's an innocent boy you know I think he doesn't think about these you know I have to bow down and he is innocent the divine mother said no he should learn his lesson she was said all right and the divine mother said we have to bring him around you know for his own good teach him a lesson so she appears before the sage and says be thou a camel in the desert and to say is transformed into a camel in the desert because the divine mother is in charge of Maya this world samsara all differences waking dreaming deep sleep all under the power of the Divine Mother now a few days pass and the divine mother being a mother of course she feels uneasy because she doesn't want her child to suffer after all sugars or her child - so she thinks that I wonder how he's doing whether he's learned his lesson or not and she were of course knows that she'll come around in turn in time so she he says why don't you go and take a look and she says my thoughts exactly I'll go and take a look he was smiling he knows that it'll be alright in the end so she goes and she sees this camel chewing thorny bushes in the desert and she comes appears before the camel and she says well all great sage how are things you know sup hmm not so cheery now are we he and the camel of course can speak presumably in Sanskrit and the camel says our divine mother but things are wonderful things are wonderful in fact they're better now because you see earlier I had this ashram to maintain you know Vedanta society to look after and I had so many duties there were prayers to conduct and there were these silly Brahma cherries you know the novices I had to teach them and all these problems were there in an ashram there are the the the Brahma cherries they're the ones who study and so all these things were there but now I'm free of all the responsibilities and the language is really crude their face I go wherever I want I eat whatever is available I I can pee wherever I want that's a big advantage the divine mother soon seizes it had no effect it's just the opposite effect and she says all right you go back to what her being what you were earlier and so it becomes this agent she's okay no problem because he it's a story but the idea is the attention the realization is and the one existence awareness bliss sat-chit-ananda no matter where I am how I am whatever the conditions of life whatever the form whatever my environment I am the same reality every and attention is there not on the differences which have come you see I read some words very beautiful saying when people ask you when have you been the happiest you'd say now a really mature person would say no I mean all my life and I have I been the happiest right now whatever is the present is the best best thing where have you been the happiest here with whom with the people I'm with now that person is truly happy with a story like that it's a long story but the sums and substance of that is somebody goes to a sage and asks what is the best time what is the best place and who are the most important people and the teaching was finally that the present time is the best time and wherever you are that is the best place and the people you are with those are the most important people in your life so that person is is the happiest day waha it shines forth continuously it has to be recognized and the studious vibe who it is held to be very boom means all-pervading remember why this is said is we we are certainly led into a trap just as I am one individual apart from all of you in the same way then MLM this pure consciousness I'm still apart from all of you but I am a pure consciousness I am something this wonderful thing called Turia but know this Toria this pure consciousness is all pervading it's not apart from anybody else or others are not apart from it all beings in me I in all beings serve a Buddhist thumb up man I'm server Bhutan each out money myself in all beings and all beings in myself this is the realization so this is to do these are the remarks he makes about Turia in the tent carica now the next for Caracas eleven to fourteen before we go into that what he does is he doesn't study when you compare the baker dreamer deep sleeper then you come to the understanding about Turia so that comparison the contrasting the similarities and dissimilarities that he puts together and presents to us in the form of four verses so before we study those verses let me just introduce you to what he's going to say we know how this this is what we studied all these weeks all these classes but he's putting it together for us he's presenting it to us in the form of today he would draw a matrix so I'll draw the matrix for him he has drawn it in the in the worse form I will drew it do it here see all this has to do with ignorance and error ignorance and error ignorance in Vedanta in Sanskrit is a vdr or dianna ignorance and error Organa and error is at the ASSA or brahma mistake first of all let's take at the classic example of the snake and the rope it is only because we are ignorant of the reality but which is a reality the rope then we make the mistake of thinking of it as a snake so ignorant of the rope leads to the error that it's a snake it's not a snake never was even before we saw it even when we are seeing it and when it finally the the error goes away after knowledge the snake never was but we see it because we are making an error and that error stems from an ignorance of the reality so the source of the snake is not that the snake was born of an egg or something this that snake the snake which we see in error was born of ignorance so all error at the root of all error is ignorance okay with that in mind let's see what he does the four aspects of the self domakr in Sanskrit Vishwa the dreamer in Sanskrit they just so tell me tell jeiza and deep the sleeper in Sanskrit pragya or prank yeah and to reham default now what he says is in the next four verses he will point out the Waker in the waking state right now right now as we are are we aware of our real nature studium are we unless you're enlightened if you are aware then that you're enlightened you are you're you're not aware we are we be if we knew it then there would be no need of Atlanta you wouldn't come back for the next class but we are not aware as long as we think we are the Waker then we do not know us as historian if I knew myself historia my wouldn't even add I would be the Waker but I would really identify myself as Turia I am Brahman right so the two liam is not aware of its real nature as a baker is not really of its real nature a studium it's because see how do you remove the the error of the snake that it's a snake how do you remove that error how do you remove that error big knowledge but knowledge of what the rope so the knowledge of the ground let me put it this way the knowledge of the ground of error is required the error is the snake the ground of that error in Sanskrit adesh Tana the ground of that error is the rope the knowledge of that is required for example in dream it's an error it really didn't happen but how do you come out of that error it's only a year only when you wake up come back to the waking world you you come back to the knowledge of the waking world I was in my bed and sleeping with you when you wake up and see that then the error of the dream is canceled similarly in the waking state right now in our as we are right now we do not know that we act aureum so we have ignorant about our real nature the Waker does not know that and that we are that it is thorium and as a result is there error yes there is error the Waker has both ignorant and Agana and a gas both what what is the nature I am this body I am this individual person this is the world i inhabit here are this is my life my bio-data and my CV and all of that is what I've done so this is my life this is all error according to Advaita dreamer the dreamer is not aware that it is to do so it has got ignorance and does it have error certainly it feels I'm in a forest being chased by Tigers or something some anxiety some terror I'm going to miss my flight and there's a more modern to terror than being chased by a tiger so energe that's kind of error I know I hear a common anxiety dream especially in India is you are sitting for your examinations and you can't remember the answer to the question yeah you freeze you can't write so that's a common terror so that's the dreamer and it does the dreamer have have error yes ignorance and error the deep sleeper does it have error does it think that I am this or I am that nothing it does not think of anything particularly so no error is there in deep sleep no problem no error but is ignorance because the deep sleeper does not know anything else does not know itself does not know the ultimate truth that it is to really thing this blank so the deep sleeper definitely has ignorant but no air no error as such no expressed error the possibility is there when you wake up or you dream those errors will come out the turian has neither no ignorant no error thorium has neither means from the tedium point of view there is no error and no ignorance this is what is going to be said in the next for Caracas the next four verses only here is the point he will guard a pada will he introduce four terms four terms same thing he will tell us in four different ways he will call ignorant non comprehension agraharam in sanskrit non comprehension ignorance will be called one non comprehension can we not call ignorance non comprehension not knowing the truth yes and error he will call miss comprehension or misperception mistake let's call it the mistake correct not knowing that I am thorium that is another way of another way of describing ignorant and thinking I am the body that's another way of describing error another name he will use is cause for ignorance isn't ignorance the cause of error not knowing the Rope is the cause of seeing a snake so and the error he will call it effect in Sanskrit karana Caria so Agana is karana and the adjus or brahma is Guardium error is effect cause and effect not any cause and effect cause and effect like see then this proud so the seed is ignorant and the effect is this and the third one in fact is seed and sprout he calls ignorant seed be Djem and he calls error de sprout Angora sprout and the fourth one is very interesting he calls these are different names given to the same thing he calls ignorant sleep so deep sleep something else he this is the sleep of ignorance according to him even right now we are deeply in in sleep in the wind whaat sleep sleep of ignorance so ignorant is called sleep nedra and error is called dream so according to God a father needs dreaming Sapna so according to God a pada there are only two states we talked about three states waking dreaming and deep sleep gotta palaces they're only two steps states we always are in either one of them either we are asleep or we are dreaming what about awaking awakening is only reserved for the enlightened person that's why awakening has been compared to enlightenment the famous statement vacant arise awakens and stop not till the goal is reached it comes from the upanishadic statement Oh tish-tosh agra the property of our honorable data the original statement means arise from the sleep of ignorance jagrata awaken into the light of knowledge prop be over on get hold of the enlightened ones niebo data and get enlightened get and get enlightenment from the enlightened ones so this is the original meaning where the kinda adapter had adapted it to arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached which is also has its own power so for terms ignorant and error ignorant is called non comprehension error is called mistake in sanskrit Agraharam omniauth agra Hunnam Agraharam omniauth agra hanim the words literally mean Agra hana means non grasping you're not grasping the truth and Anja Tarana means grasping wrongly that's a that's a mistake then the next name he uses his next pair of names cause and effect in sanskrit car and aquarium the ignorance is the cause and error is the effect then the third name he uses is seed and seed and sprout in sanskrit bija ankara bija ankara ignorance is the seed and all our mistakes that we make in life are the sprouts which come from that seed then the last one he uses his sleep and dream Swapna we are always sleeping whether you are awake dreaming sleeping whatever it is we are sleeping there according to him we are always in sleep until we realize that we are to him until we become enlightened we are always asleep and verse not only asleep at least asleep is no problem in sleeping we dream we dream these awful dreams of samsara so Sapna sometimes we dream also when do we dream the way curd dreams and the dreamer dreams deep sleeper only sleeps and the Waker is awake or asleep according to God our Father yes asleep in what sleep sleep of ignorant yeah that's why the name Buddha Buddha means awakened one awaken from what ignorant yes that nice story Houston Smith goats that story at the beginning of his chapter on Buddhism is after attaining enlightenment when he's going to give his first teaching in sarnath little shepherd boy sees him and he's so amazed by the look on his face and says not who are you Kristin Smith writes they're dramatically many people in the world have been asked who are you but very few people have been asked what are you so he's asked the little boy asks what are you are you a God he says no are you an angel he says no are you a human being he says no then what are you I am Buddha the awakened meaning there by this thing that the rest of us are sleeping and dreaming all right this is simply what he will say in the next four verses let's read those first number carica number 11 God yeah Khurana but dodo Daria carnival dodo Ishita be schwate jostle Ishita be schwate hustle Braga carnauba does too Raja carnauba dust Oh rotatory a NASA data doto Tory a NASA data these two which means the Waker and the dreamer with shoe anti Jessa are conditioned by cause and effect cause and effect the vehicle has the cause and the effect and that means cause means what ignorant effect means was error so Waker has ignorant senators and the dreamer also has ignorant senator ignorance of the fact that it is Turia and error thinking that I am a body mind it could be a baking body mind it could be a dream body mind so the Waker is conditioned by cause and effect ignorance and error the dreamer is conditioned by cause and effect ignorance and error but our gear car and about those two but in distinction from these two the deep sleeper is conditioned only by cause what is cause ignorant no effect because there is no dream there there is no no world no error no no error is there we're sleeping so I should name it one two three four also the first aspect the second aspect third aspect and the so-called fourth aspect and it says Brad Gill karna but the stowed rotatory anus it data neither of the two cause-and-effect ignorant and error are not proved or not established for thorium and not found in Korea the fourth the fourth aspect of the self the real self has neither ignorance nor error that's all it it says here then number twelve not monomer on Java not banana parang Shiva NASA team nappy chan rhythm NASA team napping on rhythm Braga Qing China some red tea Branca Qing China some BT Durham tat sir Roderick Sodom thorium that sir Roderick Saddam makes a special point to distinguish the deep sleeper from the tour iam prog gia from Toria makes a distinction the prog a deep sleeper does not comprehend anything does not know itself I am sleeping no does not know anything else also because it's in deep sleep so does not comprehend itself or others it sees neither the truth nor falsehood it does not it's not enlightened we does not see anything wrong also I mean the false world also is not experienced by program but the Turia is forever everything and the witness the Turia in contradiction to the or distinction from the deep sleeper is everything Saraiva all of this the Waker in the wakers world the dreamer in the dream world deep sleeper and the deep sleep blankness all of them are basically kalpana imaginations or appearances in thorium in that sense you can say the water is all the waves the gold is all the ornaments in the same way the tritium is all of this way Corrine Baker's world dreamer in dream world and deep sleep the blackness of deep sea all of this is to him and serve a dick it is always consciousness so all awareness is turian the awareness of the Waker studium the awareness of dreamers to diem and the awareness which is nothing in deep sleep that's also true Liam so there's the distinction between 2 a.m. and deep sleeper remember distinction means not that they are separate and the tour iam itself is the deep sleeper - Liam itself is the Dreamatorium itself is the Waker then 13 here you will give some names do a itís your Arnhem - Liam do it as your Granum - Liam opieop Raja - yo yo yo practice - yo yo be an adroit of Praja vision it draught of raja such a turian a bit dirty such a to read nvidia t non perception of duality is common to both Prague and Korea now now he's using these words non comprehension and miss comprehension Agra hanim omniauth acronym non-compliant remember all of this is what for names so non comprehension and miss comprehension for what for these two terms ignorant and error so non comprehension he says it is common to both deep sleeper and Turia they yes so the non comprehension need non-appearance of duality the deep sleeper does not experience at the world of duality so for the dwell for the deep sleeper there is no waking world no troubles no problems I often give the example of the sickest man the poorest man who were maybe dying in in Mount Sinai or somewhere in deep sleep that person has no problems in deep sleep that person has no problems because their problems are not experienced that identity I am this person I have so much sickness and I am there's not experience at all so no perception of duality is there by the pradya to experience non duality you don't have to go to thorium in deep sleep all the time you experience a kind of non duality but it's enveloped by darkness so do I test your Granum to Liam this non perception of duality is common to both in deep sleep the non perception is because of sleep don't see anything so no duality interim the non perception is due to knowledge yes the thorium might see duality right now the sodium is in duality Waker and waking but that where it is not real because I alone the Tor iam and the subject and the object the entire universe is unified in me I alone appear as the knower and the known so from thorium point of view no duality because of knowledge from prag gia point of view no duality because does not see duality then what else beyond it draw you tough pradya Sajha tori in of it deity whereas the program the deep sleeper has the seed here but with Toria does not have the seed the deep sleeper of course is asleep in Korea is not asleep and the season they're sleeping they are common to the others also the Waker has the seed bija and the Waker also has the sprout what is the sprout the world yeah the deep sleeper the dreamer also has the seed but also the sprout what is the sprout the dream the dream yeah the dream world basically and the dream body and mind in the dream XP that's a sprout it comes out of the seed of ignorance then what else nedra sleep what sleep is mentioned here the sleep of ignorance the sleep of ignorance is common to the Waker to the dreamer and a deep sleeper but the sleep of ignorance is not therefore the - Liam for the person who has realized himself or herself as - Liam no matter whether the person is now in the waking State or in the dream state or the deep sleep state whenever the person's mind functions the person will know that I am - Liam so you suppose the mind doesn't function does not need to know that I'm - yeah okay yes - Liam is always beyond duality and but the dualities are not beyond to them faker and wakers world all the objects all things which are experienced they are all experienced in consciousness they are all arisings and disappearing xin consciousness the sky transcends the clouds the clouds do not transcend the sky the clouds need that sky to exist and to float around the sky doesn't need the clouds because how do you know sometimes the sky is free of clouds sky still exists you are that one consciousness there's a beautiful term used in sanskrit Tschida Akasha you are the sky of consciousness what a beautiful term Tschida Akasha the sky of consciousness you are the sky of consciousness in which how many times the mind has awoken and who gone abouts in its business and dreamt and gone back to sleep it has it has appeared and disappeared how many times in you the sky of consciousness I was not meaning to speak of this now it comes later much later there is a definition of falsity it's a technical definition given by later vedantist it goes like this so I can't abhava so attentive hava vas a monatomic captain what does it mean falsity is appearing is something appearing in the locus of its non-existence falsity is the appearance of something in the locus of its non-existence take that it sounds very technical but actually it's very simple take the classic example of snake and rope okay the rope is mistaken as a snake a snake which never existed in the rope now when you see the snake where do you see it where the rope is you don't see the rope you don't understand that you see the rope but you don't understand it's a rope you're mistaking this rope for a snake right with me so far now then can I say that the snake is appearing where it does not exist what exists rope snake does not exist but appears locusts means the place location there's a snake appears in the location of its own absence the snake appears in location of its own absence that's the very definition of falsity where something is not there it appears dead then it's false the water in the desert in the Mirage no water there it's dry desert but it appears there therefore we see the water is false blue sky the blueness in the sky it appears clearly but it's not blue there it's not blue there you don't have to wash a hose down a plane if it applies to the blue sky it's become blue because it flows through a blue sky no there's no blue colored it just looks like that yes JetBlue also and no that's not why Southwest planes are blue because they fly a lot through blue skies no it looks like that but it's not blue now the blue color appears where there is no blue color hence we say the it's an appearance it's not true that the sky is blue in the same way in the same way this entire universe this entire universe appear in you the consciousness in the sky of consciousness chidaakaasha the entire universe appears let's put it this way the mind which wakes dreams and disappears in deep sleep how many times it has appeared and disappeared in you the sky of consciousness it fulfils follow this it fulfills the definition of falsity appearing in the locus of its own absence how do you know the mind is absent in you because there are times when the mind has disappeared in deep sleep in unconsciousness when you what we call unconsciousness actually the mind disappearing you are that in which the mind has appeared and gone up and disappeared and that so that's a crucial fact if it appears and disappears in you then you are the locus of the disappearance of the mind if you are the locus of the disappearance of the mind then the mind is a false appearance in you it is mithya it's a tremendous insight ok doesn't don't go there it's a tremendous insight it's a tremendous insight because it gives you the key to being free of the mind when are you free of the mind Oh indeed sleep no when you are awake when you are dreaming when you are happy when the mind is happy when the mind is unhappy when the mind is thinking when the mind is busy then the mind is bored when the mind is excited in all these times you're completely free of the mind just as the sky when it is so bright and blue outside is completely free of the blue colored color because it is the absence it is the locus of the absence of the blue color you are you the sky of consciousness you are the locus of the absence of the mind the mind is not a real thing in you you are the awareness in which the mind appears plays its games and disappears leaving you completely unaffected even when it is there and playing its games it's not really there this is called so attentive ha ha Samaritan miss Chatham appearing where it is absent bah semana means appearing attentive ah means complete absence it never was it appears there that's the sign of falsity the mind is a false appearance there is this person who went now you can understand this there's a person who went to a monk and obviously a non duelist so this person goes and says how do I deal with impure thoughts in my mind how do I deal with the depression in my mind Duke ha I should touch in town the impure thoughts and and sorrow and desire how do I deal with this now the typical yogic way of dealing the different ways of dealing the yogic way of dealing is to raise contrary thoughts raise the thought of purity to deal with impurity raise the thought of peace to deal with anger there's a beautiful saying in the Dhammapada Buddha how do you deal with anger in the original palyer I could sometimes we used to chant it there in the training center and Beller mutt for the monks it goes like this I'll code here Jane a code hum this is not Sanskrit this Polly Kuroda in Sanskrit in pali becomes code hum by non anger win over anger sounds cliched but it's a very powerful insight Ray's a powerful thought of peace and calmness anger will go away see ya so ah the chose us this shows a secret about the mind what is the secret about the mind it can hold on to only one thought at a time so you have the you don't have the freedom of choosing what thought comes into your mind but you have the freedom of entertaining or not entertaining and replacing the thought with something else that's how meditation works that's that's what's called in Buddhism by our skillful means replace an unskilful thought a negative thought a harm full heart which you know to be bad replace it with a positive thought a thought of anger replaced with an thought of calmness thought of greed without of discipline with a thought of hatred with a thought of love and so on thought impure thought with a pure thought and so on that's one way and this secret it comes Buddha learnt it from his yoga teachers bratty Pacquiao Havana in Patanjali yoga Sutra it's there raised another thought used that secret of the mind it can hold on to only one thing at a time you can use it quite apart from all this non-dualism and Manduca and all of that it's a simple trick of the mind emerge the mind in a in some other kind of thought you will see the troubling thought goes away yes yes yes you have to raise it remember a holding holding on to the thought is not that it is permanently holding on after sometime it will hold on to something else also but your problem is you don't like that sort it's causing you suffering so there you have the opportunity because I am suffering because I am unhappy so I have the need to replace this thought I'm struggling with it so it says instead of struggling with that thought forget that thought raised a different thought mind again you the the possession of the mind you're the other one who the mind is a body is an instrument it's very simple I'm feel angry now so the the technique is to raise a thought of peace fine then I'll do whatever is necessary to raise the thought of reason and maybe I'm shaking with anger instead of going over that sort that guy made me so angry or this issue makes me so angry instead of keeping my mind on that issue or that guy let me change it let me listen to soothing music let me think of somebody who is beloved let me breathe deeply let me sit quietly all of these are techniques of raising its contrary thought yeah just I mean baby we at your thoughts no no don't go there I'm not come to come to the Fall City yet that that that's because remember I'm not come to I am NOT in mandu kia frame of reference right now from and ook if what you are saying is right where that's the ultimate solution we're going to come to this is one solution this is the Buddhist solution of the yogic solution and it's a powerful solution don't worry about I mean you can always use this all of these solutions are available to us at all the time even if you are studying mandu cure you don't have to be restrained by this you can use different techniques this is one technique another option the bhakti option the another secret of the mind is when the mind is totally given to something it cannot go elsewhere so if you are giving your mind to God if there is love of God in the mind difficult for that mind to entertain hatred entertain depression we're reading in the Franciscan Order it's one of the rules is that you cannot show a glum face to the world yeah it's a practice so you have to have a grin on your face when you face the world otherwise you are not allowed to show your face to the world st. Teresa of lys all she said a sad nun is a bad nun and I without thinking I was giving a talk in Santa Barbara and I said it and they're all nuns there and one of the nuns objected and said yeah applies to monks too it's not just a sad nun is a bad night it just rhymes with butt but yeah it's of course it's true for everybody monks nuns and those were not monks and nuns Vivekananda was always so happy and somebody asked him in this country that you're a teacher of religion you should be serious and he said madam I'm serious only only when I have a tummy ache a stomach ache otherwise I'm not serious so Sudama Krishna his room if you read the gospel so many times all laugh it's a little bit in black people are laughing there's a story of this young boy who is laughing so much he rolls on the ground holding his stomach because yes yes let's mine subsiding yes that's like in deep concentration there might be one thought or the mind might stop altogether and you could reap attention for example complete absorption something that's basically if you do that in a spiritual sense in meditation become Samadhi otherwise it may so happen in the presence of a holy person in the presence of sublime nature for example it may happen in for some time so in bhakti when you light the lamp of love of God in the heart it's very difficult to entertain nasty thoughts and negative thoughts so deep devotion love of love of God that can help you overcome remember the question how do I overcome depression and impure thoughts in my mind that was the question now come to advaita come to Manduca the answer given by that swami was very interesting he said thoughts exist in the mind right yes and the mind doesn't exist in you the mind which it itself the ground of those thoughts itself is false why worry about it is the sky worried about the colors which appear in the sky no not this shade of blue I like that shade of blue no sky is not worried because all colors and the absence of colors at night darkness of night none of them are in the sky they just look like that similarly none of the thoughts are real because they all exist in the mind which itself is not real yeah so Jeff what about a powerful very powerful insight you sit like that you see every thought will immediately take being and appear yes yeah take their dream take the dream example take the dream examples you're taking everything is real the world is out there and life has evolved and out of evolution of life nervous systems and brains have evolved from the brain mind has evolved by the way no scientist yet does knows how the mind works a hard relationship between brain and mind nobody it is just guessing even the most advanced work going on here is they have no idea at all of the connection between my little one consciousness between mind and drain they can demonstrate the brain evolved to revolution you can you have the fossil record can show did the mind evolved through evolution seems like that you can't say what is the link between mind and brain nobody knows nobody but anyway man Dukey would say look at the dream example suppose you talk about world and and life evolving and bodies and brains evolving and evolution and suddenly you snap out of it and you set up in your bed the whole thing was a dream where is your life world evolution it could be a dream could be in principle from the point of view of consciousness to Liam where is the mind there is the mind there is the Waker and the wakers world in which there is a baker's body and the wakers mind all of them appear in tutorial you are the Tauri 'm they appear what I said in the locus of their own absence so their faults let alone evolution the very mind which understands evolution Torian demands we see what we are talking about is where is very high philosophy indeed it is it is the culmination of Advaita Vedanta and if they say yeah wait on Advaita key Shiromani that means the the crest dwell of Advaita the highest texts of advaita other it is the final conclusion of thousands of years of Hindu philosophy unmatched anywhere that itself is higher than all the science and technology of the world so here we are coming to something far beyond religion philosophy science don't even bring those things in they'll be laughed out that you take up a tap mode whatever might be called it a more prosaic level what from this point of view you are at the university level take it up at the kindergarten level now I'm not exaggerating is if you actually begin to see the this standpoint of this is it's like standing on top of the Everest I mean if you look if you actually begin to understand the standpoint what evolution evolution of what suppose you have complete theory of evolution and all of that is taught to you in the dream what would be important in that whole situation that it's a dream do you see where I'm coming from it's like asking do you remember the story of the of the emperor Janaka do you remember this this is true that is true so he had a dream of the empire being attacked by the enemies and then he was defeated in battle and then he making do you remember the story and then the kingdom was taken over ultimately it all turned out to be a dream now suppose somebody tells the Emperor no you're saying all of that but what about history history shows that you were attacked and you were you lost your Kingdom the Emperor would say but that was in a dream would you take that history into account what's important there the history of the dream the fact that it is a dream that that itself nullifies all of that history I'm going to amp for follow-up es do follow up carefully tread carefully so till now I understood that yeah I understand all right listen carefully again there is a danger in teaching the Mandopop initially the danger is if you do not understand it you can create a lot of confusion and that's still alright it's better they're being confused if you begin to understand it it can be terrible it can it can dismantle all the structures of worldly life worldly ambition of religious life of scientific pursuit everything comes crashing down I remember once a very senior Swami it was before my time came to visit bell or mud he was a disciple of the Holy Mother he was asking in the training center the monks were being trained he asked what are but the boy is being taught now the brahmacharis and the some Swami said oh now we are studying the Mundaka Upanishad the Manduca carica and he said he was scared he said Manduca carica no no no don't teach them that they'll become atheists nasty ways of it they'll become atheist so that was the terror in which it was held I used to think what makes me neither taste nor et's makes no difference to me that's because I don't understand it if you take it if you understand it and take it seriously it can be can have a terrible impact so I have to be careful with it you deal with this carefully if you the if you understand it properly it can be anonymously operating right now forever all right having said that now let me deal with this question what you are asking now it is true in a particular form of for a frame of reference what is the frame of reference you are talking about when you match evolution with religion and philosophy with Vedanta can we evolution work with Baden certainly it can and it does but at what level Vedanta has been greater can be taught and has been taught at three levels one is called Srishti Drishti wada creation experience the the approach of Advaita through the creation experience paradigm it has been taught at level called Drishti Shrishti rather experience creation paradigm and it has been taught what is called a jati no creation paradigm all right so one paradigm is creation and then experience another paradigm is experience and creation another paradigm is no creation at all sanskrit words Srishti Drishti Drishti Srishti iottie now this question was asked to Ramana Maharshi I'm quoting Ramana machine the monomer she was asked this question he said the same Advaita it can be explained in three different ways in three different paradigms approaches the highest most direct but unfortunately most unaccessible inaccessible kind of approach is the this one it is called a dirty no creation it dismisses with the world at one stroke the reality of brahmana Torian is so evident and so powerful in that the world is simply dismissed to diem one existence consciousness bliss that's it and you are that finished then ramanamma she puts it very beautifully he says but somebody says then somebody raises a question what about all this there is isness true there's pure consciousness true I am the sky of consciousness but what about the clouds what about the blue color what about all this if you ask that then Ramana she says the teacher descends one step to Drishti Swiss Nevada where he uses the paradigm of a dream you dream and in your dream you are there other people are there and events are happening but all of that what's the most important fact about it it's a dream it's all in your mind true are you with me exactly like that if you are asking what about all this what about all this world it's all appearances in thorium you the consciousness you see yourself in all these names and forms they're all like a magic show in the in this open issue itself in the karika in the second chapter it will say yatta Swapna my yo tog and Nirvana guram just like a dream just like a magic show and just like castles in the air in a cloud sometimes appear like buildings similarly is this entire world appearing interior it's a dream the dream paradigm so you experience it in your experience it is seen what is primary your experience and you are the little remember one thing about the dream all the people in the dream all the events in the dream including your body and mind in the dream they exist as long as you dream if you come out of the dream do you wonder what's going on there no it's not there unless you dream it it's there only in your dream it has an appearance in you you are this movie in which all those things are happening you project the movie within yourself it is no existence apart from your mind similarly this entire universe of your experience has no existence or from apart from your experience and the nature of that experience is pure consciousness which you are - Liam that's the second way of explaining it bear with me at this point I know they'll be put people with objections at this point Roman worship puts it so beautifully he takes the question out of your mind and puts it there at this point somebody will say wait a minute what about our wonderful uses the word what about our one all this knowledge we have of science of evolution of physics and chemistry and mathematics and our engineering achievements the tremendous knowledge we have developed over this world how can it be a dream remember she says there's a person who asks this question - that person is given this the teacher comes down one step further and says you are right you see the concession is made more and more - the appearance the more and more the appearance seems real the more d the theory has to accommodate that so this person for that person turian pure consciousness is faded to the background this world is so real it demands an explanation you cannot dismiss it as a dream the detail working if you say it's a dream it's in the detailed working of the evolution he will drag me to the Metropolitan Museum the Natural Sciences see if I say but all of this could be in your dream it doesn't hold much water for him in that case Srishti Drishti bothers brought forward advaitha has another explanation what is that explanation see if it works for you Brahman is existence consciousness bliss and Brahmans power power is Maya with Maya Brahman projects the five elements space and air and fire and water and earth they combined in various ways we don't accept the five elements theory let us have the hundred and odd elements of the periodic table and the Big Bang and they combined with each other and then over time nebulae and stars come up and then galaxies form and star planets form on planets higher compounds organic compounds they get together evolves and life evolves into ever higher forms over millions of years evolving nervous systems and brains and in those evolved bodies consciousness can finally reflect itself as an operating mind and then consciousness begins the journey back to its own real nature the journey back to enlightenment through through religion through morality religion and so and so forth through yoga and then finally this evolved creature lines up at the Vedanta Society and studies the Manduca that is the story which incorporates all your physics and biology and evolution says ok to all of that with the whole purpose of ok fine when's once your demands are satisfied please come back and pay attention here now why these three approaches it says depending on the Adhikari for the person whom the teaching of existence consciousness bliss pure being pure is isness pure consciousness is so clear and so overwhelming a reality there's no need to explain the world that is the approach of man dokey oh it's very dismissive of the world for the next category some explanations required I understand what is meant by pure consciousness eh yeah it can all be an experience in awareness like dream question stops there for the third category for whom the world is so real and this is a theory which I am learning then it has to be shown how all of this can you know the whole universe has to be explained if that is also not not working then one step further down you go to Patanjali Yoga forget this knowledge and well maker dreamer deep sleep forget all that you have to sit straight steady then breathe like this then we draw your senses and then calm down the mind in deeper and deeper states of calmness it will become obvious to you inexperience that in the near very experience will become obvious that you are not the mind you're a consciousness to which appears mind body and universe if that is also too difficult then alright there are so many options if that's too difficult and said all right you don't have to do that here is a magnificent temple and in that temple dwells Krishna do you go Dow go there be devoted to Krishna I will show you the songs of Krishna which you can sing I'll show you the dances you can dance I'll show you the hundred and one beautiful delicious items you can cook and present to Krishna and the mantras you can chant to Krishna and slowly as the mind settles down on the the the beautiful whole miserable mythology the stories and the personality of Krishna then the mind can progress further in religious life there's a hierarchy of course there's a hierarchy only from our point of view the non-dualistic point of view where this is at the top I am sure I am sure the ISKCON will have serious objections to this hierarchy yes so I am coming to you you see you see what's going on here so ramana maharshi gave these three a yachty vada Drishti vada Srishti Drishti vada so most of the teachings when when you find Upanishads and the Gita and the commentaries of Shankar Acharya they're mostly at the third level switch tea - tea water which is a common-sense approach the common the aristocracy vada is based on the waking paradigm you know what the waking paradigm is the world exists what do you feel when you wake up in the morning the world is there I was sleeping now I am awake I'm seeing a world which pre-existed pre-existent world I didn't dream up this world it was there you feel that you undeniably feel that when you go out there and go to your car there you don't feel that car popped into existence the moment I saw it know it was there and now I come so that's the waking paradigm the first approach to Advaita is based on that switch to the CEO that's most common to all of us because we take it as a starting point in all our religion and philosophy there is a more advanced seeker who can dwell in the dream paradigm who can take the dream paradigm where the whole world is in my experience which is also true actually your world is in your experience where else is it think about it all of this which you are experiencing isn't it that you are experiencing it and is it anything apart from your experience you see of course it's apart from experience do you have any proof of that no so the entire experienced universe it can be compared to a dream for those people who can operate with the dream paradigm were comfortable with that for them Drishti Srishti wada the second one professor gr Malkani who was the head of the institute of advanced studies in philosophy in the 1950s 60s in india alumna it is a place he is to his brilliant philosopher end of his very staunch non-dualistic he used to say this first kind of Advaita where the world is taken as real and you know God created the world and in step by step you have to go back to this she bother he called it advaitha for the dull he said you should really begin with the second one that the dream paradigm and the gordo party uses that to some extent a dream paradigm because guru pada works very hard to diffuse the difference between waking and dreaming did you see what he just said there are only two states sleeping and dreaming what about waking that's also dreaming so he does that and the third one is the most difficult IATI where simply the world is displaced just like that you a bit oh you had one more follow yeah very interesting depending on the understanding of Advaita because even when Robert Wright is speaking he mentions up the waiter I see he has a he has a working understanding of advaitha not the deeper and more subtle understanding for the waiter if you have this subtle and deeper understanding of advaitha you will see there is a clarity here which even the highest Buddhism lacks the final form of Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism with Magda maca and began about as the philosophical core of it it comes very close to Advaita they will say it is a much more sophisticated approach than up the waiter because they have the and the Advaita 101 but the level at which we are investigating it we can see how certain issues which remain with Tibetan Buddhism can be clarified from this point of view Robert Wright also very interestingly he mentions it he said there is some problem ultimately with the no self theory of Buddhism and he investigates and he says in certain discussions esoteric discussions on Buddhism they say that no self basically means not an objective self a pure consciousness is a possibility if that is so I am r --c that place aha if that is so buddhism collapses into advaitha and i wish professor Muriel Bihari had come here because she is the one who's proposing that the topic when she canceled a trip because of some problem at back home the topic for her talk was on 1st April 1st April yeah there was supposed to be last Sunday 1st April right no wonder April Fool's Day sir her topic was the Advaita theory of self and the Buddhist theory of no self how they are actually the same in it is she says the deeper investigation of Buddhism reveals this very very fact it's just that but they left it unsaid there are problems with saying it what is the problem from a Buddhist perspective they will resist characterizing the self as as we are saying pure consciousness pure being no all they will say is not this not this that they agree to know not safe there's an advantage to that why the moment you could talk in this way you know what is put into our minds there is a thing called the Toria there is a fourth thing called the thorium the turian is not a thing the moment you say not a thing immediately the opposite problem comes so there is nothing it's a concept it's a theory no it's much more important than anything and all all things all things depend on this curium it itself is not a thing it's like saying gold is not an ornament but all elements depend upon gold if I say gold is not an ornament if you have given three ornaments bangle necklace ring and told that the reality is gold you'll see which one of them is gold and you are told none of them is whether the ornaments are not gold then you will say Oh a gold is nothing then not nothing it is the reality it is more real than the ornaments turian Atman Brahman is more real than anything that you see but do you speak about it that way it generates an idea it's a thing the opposite problem comes in Buddhism when you hear about the no self theories you begin to think that there is nothing suniye means nothing though they deny it they deny it again and again show Neum does not mean nothing but they will not they refuse to state it in positive terms so I say if you combine these two together these two approaches together they are dwight approach and the tibetan buddhist the most sophisticated form of Buddhism is the Tibetan Buddhist approach so if you combine these two it's not a thing it's not nothing it's no thing yeah with there is a question there somewhere you I wanted to conceal it Tucker is not teaching mundo coop initial there wait we are here we are going to be strictly mundo Kovac Erica P people and say one way is to put buck T like way down there the other way is after enlightenment salam krishna says after the highest enlightenment not give me bhakti you stay with love with party then bhakti could be an expression of this enlightenment for example if you realize your oneness with the entire universe what will be your attitude once you are back to this body and mind this personality though you know it's false it's an appearance but this entire appearance is united in you the thorium what will be your attitude towards everybody love hmm a feeling of oneness a oneness will be expressed in life as love if you if you make a difference between yourself and the thorium in your conception then immediately your attitude towards the thorium will be love towards God the studium is nothing other than the god of the devotee so yes you can you can reconcile you can reconcile all approaches we will see that later much later God opposes a fantastic term especially oka the untouched yoga this is the untouched yoga he says I I am Nibiru dear per aspera middle D entity I Here I am navigator all other philosophies all of the religions are constantly in conflict with each other they are not in conflict with what we teach nor are the in conflict with whatever is what whatever they teach this philosophy can function indeed does function as the foundation of everything else with this philosophy you can have all religions all philosophies science materialism all of that it gives a foundation for that it has a place for everything and a very rational place from this point of view but if you take a dualistic buckety point of view this is totally unacceptable this is horrifying what is the dualistic bhakti point of view the ultimate truth is God exists in heaven and also world well with the world world is real I am real God is real one day I hope to reach Gardens David card this is is the rankest atheism it wipes out god it wipes out the world it wipes out my individual reality also if for some absolute reality this is totally unacceptable to a duelist but from a non duelist point of view all dualisms are acceptable yes they are all switch to deceive alia puncher that she has different approaches but most of the approaches would start with switch to deceive are the in fact all advaitha texts almost all of them they all are based at Srishti Drishti level why because otherwise a Drishti switch the approach or even a j'tia approach it's too much of a jerk for most of us it's after all the point of the teaching is to make us understand if you start with there is one reality it's not the waking consciousness not the dream consciousness not the deep sleep consciousness it's not a thing it's not a concept not an idea what will say what are you talking about so that step by step it's much easier if you take a switch to the sh t approach it's little more difficult if you take a Drishti Shrishti because people will say there is a difference between waking and dreaming why do you keep insisting on trying to reduce everything to a dream if you say that then 3 sh t - t is your approach if you begin to understand the dream paradigm it's much then why have different paradigms why not all we start from here because the other paradigms are much more direct much faster much more direct you get it instantaneously wait I'll come to you yes yes that is the only thing if you want to catch one positive thing is that one sense of I which you have got that will lead you to that ultimate reality everything else is Natan 80 yes yes yes yeah but remember that's dismissed as false because deep deep sleep dreaming waking at all dismissed as false appearances in one tedium it goes that's why I say this goes beyond religion it goes beyond philosophy it goes beyond science one extreme of 18 we don't say that we are much more reasonable when the physicist was very annoyed with one at greater greater teacher he told me that I approached this Swami and he was very hurt he told us where me about physics and this one he said from a greater point of view physics is superstition you see the reversal science dismisses religion as superstition scientist Richard Dawkins would dismiss religion is superstition this Swami dismisses science is superstition and you know he is absolutely right he is think about it suppose you come and come into a dramatic scientific discovery and then you wake up from it then what happens to your scientific discovery don't we often get sometimes in dream you get the feeling you have understood something you have discovered something you have read something of great importance when you wake up you don't remember anything of it but this might sound horrifying to somebody speaking in Manhattan in New York City in 21st century right numbered midnight and saying something like science is superstition but from from if you understand this point of view it is he Quilly says religion is superstition he'll equally say religion science philosophy all is superstition because they are all appearances in one consciousness they have no individual X existence apart from it where is your science when your mind disappears yes the question you had to ask but but remember the experience of the many will continues the realization of the one is not contradicted by experience of the many one Swami explained it beautifully but day and night are caused because of rotation of the earth in time is there day and night which of course but no there isn't there isn't the end night is because we are on this planet and the planet is rotating and therefore we have experience of day and night and we classify time accordingly remove the planet in its rotation there's no day and night time is time but that knowledge does not prevent you from experiencing day and night it is day it is afternoon not soon it will be evening and then it will be night it doesn't prevent you from experience that knowledge will not will not cause that experience will not contradict to your knowledge that there is really no day and night in time similarly though we go through the experience of many Ness waking and dreaming all of this continues none of it contradicts the enlightened persons realization of thorium because of that realization that person is above the sufferings of waking and dreaming can undergo this experience without any problem at all like sukadeva the saint who became a camel yeah all right this Sunday I'll speak about the essence of Alvida Na you should come you'll enjoy it it's like a revision for you it's actually an overview of this mondo key open issue which we did just now we are doing now just an overview of the open issue itself not the whole man to ke kanaka and why I have called it the essence of all we don't is because Shankar Acharya when he starts his commentary on the man Tokyo Punisher in Manduca karika he uses the phrase survive evade on tart server Vedanta thesaurus Angra ha butum the essence of all the teachings of the Vedanta is contained in these four chapters it starts like that so that's the title of the talk so it'll be easy for it's just a like overview bird's-eye view this Sunday and those who are not attended the class it will go away with headaches the next Sunday if you'll see the topic the ultimate truth that's based on something that's coming up much later for us it's something taken from the second chapter of the Manduca carica if you think all this is difficult and and disturbing you should wait for that words that that smashes all religion philosophy everything it starts with there is no cessation of the universe there is no birth of the universe there is no bondage no spiritual practice there's nobody who's struggling for liberation nobody who is liberated this is the final truth this is the translation of the verse no no this is mandu Kippur so this comes from demand okay open it second chapter thirty second verse so that will be the discussion on the the ultimate truth today there somebody a quantum physicist I think Heisenberg has somebody said if you are not disturbed by quantum physics you have not understood quantum physics what was the Heisenberg or somebody who Fineman said that but no no this language if you are not disturbed by quantum physics you have not understood it so uncle Bert wah who teaches Indian philosophy is a professor who teaches Indian philosophy in Cambridge University he is one of his handouts says if you have not even not disturbed by activator you have not understood it him you should be profoundly disturbed by this all right you tell me now see don't make a blanket statement like they don't exist so sin and guilt art sin and guilt felt when your D in deep sleep forget the tedium do you feel sin and guilt in deep sleep No do you feel that when you are dreaming maybe do you feel that when you're awake maybe so that which comes and goes in you you exist without sin and guilt even when you are awake even the greatest of sinners the most guilty of persons in awake when you are awake and regretting it how much time do I spend regretting it a little bit of the time in a day the most depressive thought it is not continuous and unbroken it is mixed up with many other thoughts so it comes and goes it arises and disappears I exist pretty well without it before committing the sin I was when I was committing the sin I I was now I am regretting the sin am guilty about it I am and every day night I forget all about sin and guilt then what am i if the sin of the guilt is real in the sense that I am real then I should always be seen as inner or guilt guilty if it comes and goes in me then apply that thing the locus in which something appears and disappears then in that locus that thing is an appearance it's not real it's not real as real as the locus itself doesn't mean that you will not experience it not suffer from it but you realize yourself as studium you're free of that but remember in that case you will be free of the tandy temptation to commit sins also I am free of sins I can do anything I want then who is that I it's the sinner I if you do anything you want and commit sins you will suffer for that right but the reality of even the sinner is that the sinner is in that it's story and it's free of all sin good good bad bad and none escaped the law vivekananda good good bad bad and none escaped the law but whosoever wears a form wears the chain to what is chain the good and bad karma that we have done the guilt and the sin sin and the guilt there's a chain but then what does man do kiss a very kinda says but far beyond name and farm his Atman we would say turian everfree know thou art that sannyasi bowls a home that's at home at home that Saddam will come in the next part of the Upanishad mantras 8 to 12 ok very good we had a productive session om Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry he own that's at sri ramakrishna aparna must [Music]